
About us » Our confidentiality

Our confidentiality

1) - Confidentiality System - General information

a) - Information System

An Information System is composed of three major elements:

  1.      The data storage medium, commonly referred to as the Data Base
  2.      Processes and software to manage and deliver services, we will call Website
  3.      Of the targeted actors, it is the users

The Database and all components of the Website are hosted on servers.

The Confidentiality System affects these three components.

2) - Database

All information collected and stored in a Database are in the public domain. The main sources: Wikipedia, websites, Facebook ... offer free access, accessible without a password.
Articles, publications, images are extracted and integrated into the Database with the source of the copied object. The tool allows direct access to the site concerned.

A Database is managed by an Administrator (or several) of the Database.

The role and responsibilities of the Administrator are detailed in the paragraph "User Profiles"

3) - Website © is the name of the domain, which contains the Database and the Web Site which is accessible by its "web" address:

Access is free, without password. Use is non-paying for any user who wishes to access.

Only access to the "Meeting Space" function will require a password inside the tool.
The principle of confidentiality is detailed in the paragraph "Meeting Space"

4) - Users

The Website manages 4 user profiles:

  1.      Administrator
  2.      Members of the website team
  3.      Registered users
  4.      Unregistered users.

Confidentiality affects these 4 profiles.

5) - Confidentiality

The Website's privacy system is based on two elements, the User Profile and the Status.

Each object, articles, photos, announcements ... is registered with a status that indicates the status of the object:

  •      In Draft
  •      Validate
  •      Publish
  •      Editorial
  •      Remove
  •      Suspended publication
  •      To close
  •      Archive
  •      Translating
  •      Publication refused

5.1) - Administrator of the database

There are two Administrators:

5.1.1) - Database Administrator

The Database Administrator is responsible for the content and the container (the data).
It can do everything, create the Base, add, modify or delete its elements (Tables).

It can also act on the stored contents, add, modify, delete, see all the content of the Base using the tools external to the Web Site.

It also has a duty to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of exchanged or accessible data.

The administrator undertakes to respect the fundamental rights of the users during the performance of his missions.
In this context, he / she undertakes to maintain confidentiality for any information he or she may have been aware of during the performance of his duties.

The founder of the website assumes this function.

5.1.2) - Website Administrators

The administrators of the Website are responsible for the good quality of the service provided to users, publication of articles written by users, positioning of articles, useful addresses in billboards ...

A function is specially set up on the Website only at their disposal.

The Administrator and the Team Members assume the tasks assigned.

They have a duty to ensure the confidentiality of the data exchanged and the transactions carried out.

5.2) - Team Members

Members of the Website team are responsible for the good quality of the service provided to users, publication of articles written by users, positioning of articles, useful addresses in billboards ...

They are in charge of all the management of Useful Addresses, addition, modification, publication ... They will be in contact with different responsible: Hotels, Restaurants, Shops ...

They are the direct interlocutors of the users and will give their advice and help in the writing of their ads, articles ...

In this context, they have access to all the functions of the Website and can update the information stored in the Database.

Members of the team have access to all status:

  • In Draft
  •  Validate
  • Publish
  • Editorial
  • Remove
  • Suspended publication
  • To close
  • Archive
  • Translating
  • Publication refused

Of all objects saved in the Database. They can also modify the status: publish, archive, close ...

5.3) - Registered users

A registered user has registered their profile in the Web Site Database.
It is identified by its e-mail address and its password. The email address is unique in the database.

Registration is free and without payment.
You can register on this link

The registered user can add articles, photos, announcements, comments ...

It can consult all published objects (articles, advertisements ...).

He is the owner of his articles, photos, ads registered in the Database ... He can consult his articles whose status is:

  • In Draft
  • Validate
  • Delete
  • Close

5.4) - Unregistered users

An unregistered user does not have an ID or password.

Access to the Website is free and free.

The non-written user can only consult articles, photos, advertisements, useful addresses ... published.

6) - Particularity

For the following functions: Meeting Space and Jobs Market and Candidates the applied privileges are significantly different.

6.1) - Job Market and Candidates

This module offers two possibilities:

  1.     Job vacancies
  2.     Candidates who file their profile (CV) in search of employment.

6.1.1 - Job offers

Job offers are submitted by individuals, companies or any other organization.
They must be registered in order to register their offers in the database

All users can view the offers saved in the Database.

Only registered users can apply for one or more jobs by first registering their application.
You can register on this link:

Only the owner (the registered user who deposited the job) of the job offer can consult all the existing candidates in the database and the candidates who have applied on his / her jobs.

6.1.2 - Candidates

Any registered user can apply and apply on one or more job offers.

Candidates are consulted only by registered users who have posted jobs.
You can register on this link:

The candidate can only see his application files.

6.2) - Meeting Space